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Parish Meeting And Potluck Dinner


Back to School Blessing

Sunday, August 6, 2023


Each year before school starts, we have a blessing said over our students and those who work in schools, not just elementary, middle school, and high school but those at colleges, trade schools and everything in between. Backpacks are also blessed, so be sure to bring your backpack on the 6th to make sure it receives a blessing too!

Parish Meeting And Potluck Dinner


Back to School Blessing

Sunday, August 6, 2023


Each year before school starts, we have a blessing said over our students and those who work in schools, not just elementary, middle school, and high school but those at colleges, trade schools and everything in between. Backpacks are also blessed, so be sure to bring your backpack on the 6th to make sure it receives a blessing too!

St. Mark's Day at the Beach - August 19, 2023


The Wandels are putting together an event at the Beach in Port Aransas for us to kick off the fall and new school year.  It will be a fun way to move into a new season.  More details will ne available.  But for right now,mark your calendar!

St. Mark's Day at the Beach - August 19, 2023


The Wandels are putting together an event at the Beach in Port Aransas for us to kick off the fall and new school year.  It will be a fun way to move into a new season.  More details will ne available.  But for right now,mark your calendar!

St. Mark's Day at the Beach - August 19, 2023


The Wandels are putting together an event at the Beach in Port Aransas for us to kick off the fall and new school year.  It will be a fun way to move into a new season.  More details will ne available.  But for right now,mark your calendar!

St. Mark's Day at the Beach - August 19, 2023


The Wandels are putting together an event at the Beach in Port Aransas for us to kick off the fall and new school year.  It will be a fun way to move into a new season.  More details will ne available.  But for right now,mark your calendar!

Parish Meeting And Potluck Dinner


Back to School Blessing

Sunday, August 6, 2023


Each year before school starts, we have a blessing said over our students and those who work in schools, not just elementary, middle school, and high school but those at colleges, trade schools and everything in between. Backpacks are also blessed, so be sure to bring your backpack on the 6th to make sure it receives a blessing too!



Church Clean Up Day

Saturday, 9/28

9:00 a.m.


A church clean up day is scheduled for the last Saturday of September in preparation for Bishop Read's visit in early October. We'll work on the grounds as well as the interior of the buildings. There will be something for everyone to help with. Please mark this day on your calendars and plan to come help.

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The Discovery Series

A Christian Journey Course

Sunday, 9/8, at 11:30 a.m.


One of the rich traditions of the Episcopal Church is the Rite of Confirmation / Reaffirmation / Reception into the Episcopal Church. The Bishop of every Episcopal diocese is the primary celebrant for this service. Sunday, October 6, 2024, will be our annual opportunity to host this service when the Right Reverend Dr. David Read will be visiting St. Mark’s. For those who would like to be Confirmed / Reaffirmed / or Received into the Episcopal Church, Fr. Doug will be hosting a preparation series. During the one-hour sessions we will learn about:

  • Roots of Ministry, which will cover topics like the Anglican Communion, the different roles of ministers, and church governance. 

  • Episcopal Worship, which will help people become familiar with The Book of Common Prayer and the sacraments. 

  • What We Believe, which will provide a review of the Creeds of the Episcopal Church, thus promoting a deeper understanding of them. 

  • The Baptismal Covenant, which is the final session where participants will learn more about the Episcopal Church’s theology pertaining to this rite of adoption into God’s family.


Fr. Doug will be hosting these one-hour sessions after church starting September 8, 2024. If you are interested in participating, please sign up on your Connection Card Sunday, or contact the office at (361) 994-0285 or email

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Stuffed Animal Drive to Benefit the

Children of Plaza de Paz

Deadline October 6th


The diocese has asked that diocesan churches participate in a stuffed animal drive. Please consider donating new or gently used stuffed animals. The collection will conclude Sunday, 10/6. There will be boxes in the entry way to the sanctuary and the fellowship hall for the donations.


The Plaza de Paz is a respite center for immigrants in San Antonio. Many of the families arrive with very little. These stuffed animals will serve as an encouragement to the children.

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The Blessing of

the Animals Service

Saturday, 10/5

9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

St. Francis of Assisi is known as the patron saint of animals, as well as a deeply spiritual friar. He had a special connection with animals that didn't go unnoticed. October 4th was designated the day to celebrate St. Francis of Assisi, which lead to churches hosting Blessing of Animals services in his honor.


We will celebrate the Blessing of the Animals service on Saturday, October 5th. Be sure to mark your calendars and bring your pets.

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Timon's Ministry Men's Clothing Collection


Timon's Ministry has requested donations of new or gently used men's small or medium sweatpants and jeans. They are also in need of tennis shoes of all sizes for men. If you can donate any of these items, please bring them by the church office. Thank you for your help.

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Adult Bible Study of the Gospel of Mark

Taking a Break for the Summer

and Will Resume in the Fall

All are welcome to join the Bible study. Come to one week, or come to them all. The class meets in the fellowship hall at noon and ends around 1:00 p.m. Grab a cup of coffee and some snacks, then head over to the designated tables to sit down.  


Here are links for past study dates and the upcoming Sunday:

the introduction to the class

map of the Sea of Galilee

chapter one study notes

chapter two study notes

chapter three study notes

chapter four study notes

chapter five study notes

chapter six study notes

chapter seven study notes

chapter eight study notes

chapter nine study notes

chapter ten study notes


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