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Strategic Plan

“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 18:18
Strategic Planning Process:
Through a series of focused conversations and consensus workshops, the participants:
• Confirmed the Identity of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. The group reviewed and revised core messaging to ensure that the strategic planning processes align with identity statements that are current and relevant.
• Conducted an Internal Assessment – The group assessed the organization’s internal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and achievements (SWOTA). The group then identified priorities to address during the strategic planning process. • Created a Practical Vision for St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. The group developed a vision of what it wants to see in three years as a result of its strategic actions. Conversations were focused on concrete “accomplishments” rather than vague ideas.
• Discussed the Underlying Barriers– The group identified blocks and barriers that could prevent the organization from realizing its vision. The group recognized that unlike problems that can be solved, underlying barriers are deeply rooted issues that the organization may strategically respond to, impact, or avoid.
• Developed Strategic Directions– The group outlined broad strategies that St. Mark’s Episcopal Church is committed to implementing over the planning period. The group recognized that consistently prioritizing the agreed upon strategic directions will contribute to the successful achievement of goals and objectives.
• Created a Focused Implementation plan – Finally, the group established measurable goals and objectives for each year of the strategic planning period. The group then agreed upon specific courses of actions to ensure St. Mark’s Episcopal Church’s commitment to ongoing accountability and achievement of strategic plan goals
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